Thursday, April 07, 2022

Miss Cellania's Links

Some geography facts.

Fundraised $144 million for Ukraine in two weeks!

22 Pieces of Medieval Pet Advice.

Why do so many people think America is losing jobs when it isn't? Because they've never experienced full employment.

Some Fascinating Facts About Poisoning. And when someone pours you a drink, watch how they hold their hand over the glass.

Small Dog Sings Karaoke and Kills It.

Q-Nuts: "Don't Say Gay, Charlie Brown." The latest from Tom the Dancing Bug.

A Collection of Structural Inspectors' Horror Stories. Consider these warnings, and you might want to go look in your crawl space soon, to see if your home may qualify for a gallery appearance.

New Type of Cell Found in Human Lungs. It may lead to new treatments for damage lungs. (via Damn Interesting

Comic of the day: Lilith.

A blast from the past (2013): Look for the Helpers: 10 Heroes of the Boston Marathon Tragedy.


Bicycle Bill said...

If that last strip in the "Tom the Dancing Bug" strip is correct and the House of the Mouse DOES, by virtue of buying 21st Century Fox, own the movie rights to the works of Charles Schulz, then this country is well and truly screwed.


Anonymous said...

Now I'm going to spend the morning worrying about my garage collapsing.

gwdMaine said...

How do you ground a marshmallow?

xoxoxoBruce said...

Those gaming sites donating $144 million and $30 million to the Ukraine is apparently their revenue and not just profit. A little insight into the size of gaming I wasn’t aware of.

Sure millions of new jobs, but what kind of jobs? The kind that lets you support a family of three without living in a van down by the river? Or the kind you need three of them to move out of the city park? The good paying union jobs were moved offshore by the greedy 1% and what didn’t go was jobs with no health insurance, no pension, no vacation or sick days. All so walmart could cut prices by 1 or 2 %. But I keep hearing wally prices are so low I bought what I needed and saved $3 so I bought this $35 tchotchke I don’t need.