Monday, April 11, 2022

Miss Cellania's Links

When the USSR's Space Program Almost Nuked New York City. Soviet rocket scientists wanted to go to Mars, but Moscow had other plans. (via Strange Company)

How Randy Rainbow got where he is today.

An imprisoned artist, the couple who saved his life, and the extraordinary gift he gave in return. An involved story you'll be glad you read. (via Nag on the Lake

Joseph Mikulec: the Original “Globe-Trotter.” He walked six continents and collected autographs of famous people over several decades.

Southwest Missouri high school teacher accused of using critical race theory loses job. (via Fark

Self-defense is nothing compared to the intimidation factor.

How Living Arrangements have Changed in the US since1967. (via Digg)

Failing at Geography Online.

Placenta Cake. Read the link, but do not use Google images.

Comic of the Day: Baseball season.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, rats! That Randy Rainbow video won't play in Canada.

Miss Cellania said...

It's a segment from the CBS Sunday Morning show, if you can find it some other way.