Sunday, April 03, 2022

How to Be a Cat in Ancient Egypt

When you think about a cat in ancient Egypt, you probably think of the god called Bast. A god pictured as a cat must mean that cats were worshiped, right? That's the popular notion, but it's a lot more complicated than that. Yes, we've found millions of cat mummies, but my first thought on learning that was that they used cats as practice for mummification. However, that's not part of the story, either. SideQuest gives us the longer, more involved story of cats in ancient Egypt. Now, just imagine when archaeologists of a few thousand years from now decipher our internet archives and assume that we worshiped cats. No, we just treat them like we do. (via Digg)

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hilarious, yet informative!