Saturday, April 09, 2022

Honeypot Ants Are Exactly What the Names Says

When you are an insect in a colony, you will be assigned a job at birth, and you spend your life fulfilling that job for the good of the colony. After all, they are family. If you are a honey ant, also called the honeypot ant, your one job may be as a storage jar. The forager ants collect plant nectar in their abdomens and bring it home. They transfer it to a "replete," or storage ant, who then hangs from the ceiling until the nectar is needed, like when prey insects are scarce. Then they can feed the entire colony.

If they were bees, they'd built food storage tanks from wax. But the fact that the nectar is stored inside an ant doesn't deter other species from raiding them for that sweet, sweet liquid. These other species include honey badgers and humans. (via Laughing Squid)

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