Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Cause of Death

Technically, he's right, but this still reminds me of Russian dissidents who died of natural causes by falling out of a three story-window after drinking polonium-laced tea. Or the suicides of mobsters who shot themselves in the back ten times. This comic is from Alex Culang and Raynato Castro at Buttersafe

1 comment:

WilliamRocket said...

I don't know about anywhere else, but here in New Zealand anyone who dies of almost anything gets labelled as dying with covid on the front page of the (government funded) newspaper. They used to say they died of covid, but someone insisted on a little bit on honesty amongst the sensationalism, lol.
Seems if a body tests positive for covid within 28 days of dying -I guess they mean before, but who knows with some of the stories they are spinning - the W.H.O. says it should be listed as a covid death.
Had me all worried for a while as we were having up to 20 'covid' deaths a day somedays (we only have 5 million people all up) but then I realised the people were mainly very old and dying from cancer, heart attacks, influenza, pneumonia and other such serious things ... maybe also a few actually from covid.
Having to rely on a single source of news means you either believe everything that you read or absolutely nothing.
I wonder if it is the same in the U.S.A. or other countries.....