Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Miss Cellania's Links

The Real Martial Arts History Behind The Karate Kid.

My Dream House. Seven bedrooms, built in 1460. (via Nag on the Lake

Historians rank 45 presidents. (via Mental Floss)

Is Stockholm Syndrome Actually a Thing?

Before Joey Chestnut, “Fat Men’s Clubs” Dominated the World of Competitive Eating. (via Digg

The snack with a sneer. Some notes on freedom fries, eighteen years later. (via Metafilter

18 Forbidden Places You Can't Visit. Strangely, North Sentinal Island is not among them.

Jimmy Dean Sausage Complaint call. A classic, with NSFW language.

Once again, the Onion predicts the future.

A blast from the past (2018): 13 of Your Questions Answered with Flowcharts.


xoxoxoBruce said...

Hard to believe there were 13 presidents worse than Nixon.

gwdMaine said...

Whoa, did someone just strike my nerves. That would be Jimmy Dean along with every other company that thinks no one's paying attention when they increase their prices by lowering the net weight of their product. 12oz sausage, 14oz chocolate, 11.9oz beer. 11.9? W.T F.? And ask my cats how they feel about 5.5oz meals all of a sudden. The list of stuff I've stopped buying is legion. As is the list of stuff I now buy from someone other than my local grocery store. Pretty soon the local store will be reduced to an occasional stop in. By the time they realize the issue, it will be too late. End of rant.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Poor James Buchanan gets no respect. Never. Jeez, surely Trump has to be worse than him?

newton said...

"Before Joey Chestunt" should read "Before Takeru Kobayashi". The 131 pound Takeru is the one who changed the food eating sport. (Around the same time, representing women, is the 100 pound Sonya Thomas, also known as the "Black Widow").

Unfortunately, it appears that even though Takeru helped make the Nathan Hot Dog eating contest world renown, they told him that he can't compete anymore unless they are allowed to control his competing career, so he no longer enters their contest.

newton said...

By the way, Takeru and Sonya made a commercial together: