The Baboon Who Worked for the Railroad. Signalman James Edwin Wide engaged in his hobbies while the baboon did his job.
Checkpoint Nation. The sweeping powers of the border patrol are way out of hand, affecting Americans who don't go near the border. (via TYWKIWDBI)
Margarine Once Contained a Whole Lot More Whale.
Guy’s viral analogy nails exactly why Brett Kavanaugh is so triggering to women.
Parenting Lessons That Completely Backfired. Lifehacker has a roundup of the best stories, and you can read them all in the reddit thread. (via Metafilter)
High Rate of Absentee Ballot Rejection Reeks of Voter Suppression. Georgia's most diverse county is responsible for 40% of the state's absentee ballot rejections.
A Googly-eyed Optical Illusion for the Birds. It's the sure way to scare them away from airports.
Someone Stuck Googly Eyes On This Savannah Statue And Now Police Are Involved. With a priceless photo.
When Asian Women Are Harassed for Marrying Non-Asian Men.
The Tragic Death of Princess Charlotte Augusta. Childbirth shouldn't be that deadly. (via Strange Company)
A blast from the past (2007): Gruesome Halloween Party Food.
1 comment:
I didn't know General MacArthur boosted Japan into the whaling business.
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