Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Miss Cellania's Links

Streamer thinks she's in her Uber. Driver thinks he picked up a hooker.

Ancient Androids: Even Before Electricity, Robots Freaked People Out. Take a look at the history of automata from around the world.

Do men have it easier? For these transgender guys, the truth is more complex.

The Strange Saga of the Real-Life Simpsons House in Nevada.

Take This Cheat Sheet To The Ballpark To Decide When To Leave. That we even need such a guide speaks to the ridiculous lengths baseball games can run. (via Metafilter)

Mom says medics didn't take daughter to hospital, saying she couldn't afford it. Now her three children are orphans.

8 Graphic Novels to Get Your Kids Hooked on Comics. Millions of people have developed their love for reading through comic books.

Why Are Places in Science Fiction Not Wheelchair-Accessible? Ace Ratcliff didn't notice how many stairs those stories held until she could no longer climb them.

A Single Mom Gets School Supplies From A Complete Stranger. Her only obligation is to pay it forward, when and if she can.

How to Raise Multilingual Kids. The conventional wisdom for teaching more than one language doesn't always hold up under scientific study.

A blast from the past (2014): 8 Close, But Not Quite Cats.


gwdMaine said...

To the graphic novel list, let me add Amelia Rules!!

Unknown said...

Leaving a ballgame early because the 'statistical model' says the winner is a foregone conclusion makes about as much sense as walking out of "Titanic" once the ship hits the iceberg because we know it's going to sink.

Anonymous said...

RE the mom not taken to hospital. Thank heavens I do not live in the US. I went to the doctor last week, had tests and within hours was in a Leukemia ward being treated. You poor people have the worst and most expensive medical system in the developed world and it astounds me that you defend it.
I would be dying if I lived there.