Friday, July 20, 2018

Miss Cellania's Links

A Theory of Trump Kompromat. Financial shenanigans would obligate our current president more thoroughly than a pee tape.

The Most Spectacular Astronomy Images of 2018. The winners of the Astronomy Photographer of the Year will be announced in October.

The Vindication of Cheese, Butter, and Full-Fat Milk.

‘Sort of a Double Negative.’ How did we end up with a president that doesn't have the country's best interest at heart?

How to Enjoy Baseball When Your Team Really Sucks. There's always something good to focus on.

Two Centuries Before Mandela, This Xhosa Hero Died Escaping Robben Island. Makhanda was arrested in 1819.

Nikola Tesla's Cat and Other Feline Fascinations. Quite a few cats have left their mark on history.

The Best Notes Found in Used Books. The marginalia includes criticism, recommendations, dedications, out-of-context communications, snark, spoilers, secret code, and jokes.

See the Winners of the Dog Photographer Of The Year Awards. Judging must have been difficult, because they are all good dogs.

These Drawings By J.R.R. Tolkien Bring Middle-Earth To Life. Was there no end to the man's talents?

A blast from the past (2010): A Bovine Gift from the Heart.

1 comment:

newton said...

New studies may by 'vindicating' high saturated fat dairy, but I'll go by the old studies.

Dairy heavy Finland used to have one of the highest heart attack rates per capita in the world. Pretty much everyone knew someone or had a family member who'd had a heart attack. Then they started a campaign to reverse this--primarily giving up dairy. Now they have one of the lowest rates of heart attacks in the world.

These new little short term studies don't impress me.