Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Miss Cellania's Links

A Tribute to the Thai Cave Rescuers. Sisters Aruni Aunhawarakorn and Jantima Manasviyoungkul made an illustration representing experts from around the world who helped to bring 12 soccer players and their coach out of a flooded cave.

10 Slap-Happy Facts About The Three Stooges.

The World Health Organization wants to promote breastfeeding worldwide. The US opposes that so badly they threatened other countries over the resolution. Until Russia stepped in.

Lauren bought a "Grow Babies" toy from Goodwill and grew a nightmare. (via Everlasting Blort)

Explore 700,000 Artifacts Dredged from Amsterdam Canals. The items, posted in an online digital database, cover the city's 800-year history and some go back even earlier.

Testing the Limits of Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. Will there ever be a home assistant that can decipher a Scottish accent?

Building the World’s Highest-Resolution Telescope. We will soon be able to see exoplanets from Arizona.

9 Make-Ahead Lunches That Will Make Your Co-Workers Envious. But don't become obligated to bring food for everyone.

Why Walking Through Doorways Makes Us Forget. No, you're not the only one who does it.

A blast from the past (2012): Green Beans are Good for Your Heart.


Jane said...

OMG that Grow Babies 'thing'! i WILL Have nightmares tonight.

Bruce said...

@ Jane Martin. lol. Me too.