Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

Faces Research. Scientific findings on the strange side of facial recognition.

The Mysterious Teenage Ghost That Haunted Taft's White House.

How to Make Perfect Scrambled Eggs, No Matter How You Like Them. Small deviations in technique make all the difference.

Could StarTram Revolutionize Space Travel? Magnetic levitation has possibilities for mass transit, but its creators are looking higher.

Slimy, amorphous sea creature tries to be cute.

For Decades, New York’s Chinatown Duped "Slum Tourists" With Faked Danger and Depravity. The exotic act was not only thrilling, but quite lucrative.

Cuphead's Brilliant Cartoon Look Masks a Brutal, Unforgiving Game. It's the perfect combination that predicts a bestseller.

NPR Deletes an Errant Facebook Post in a Case of Disappointing Journalistic Integrity. Thousands of people preferred the mistaken but adorable post that was meant for a personal account.

1 comment:

gwdMaine said...

Hmmmmm. There are as many recipes for "perfect" scrambled
eggs as there are recipes sites on the interweb. But -
one thing I don't remember seeing is to use high heat
to cook them. Eggs are mostly protein and cooking them on
high heat causes the protein to break down resulting in
tough leathery curds. If that's your thing.

Additives, molecular levels and immersion blenders aside,
if there are any secrets to the process, it's to use LOW
heat and patience (low and slow as the article says).
And just before you think the eggs are done, turn the
stove off and let the heat from the pan finish the job.