Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Miss Cellania's Links

The Phantoms of Paris. Dark ghost stories from the City of Light.

Astronomers Observe Collision of Neutron Stars. The event is described as "a Rosetta stone for astronomy." Watch a video about the discovery here.

Jets Fan Who Stands For National Anthem Sits On American Flag. (via reddit)

How Hippies Put on the Worst Music Festival in History. The Erie Canal Soda Pop Festival outdid Woodstock in bad planning and poor execution.

A Very Special 1970s Nightmare, Starring Vincent Price, H.R. Pufnstuf, and the Brady Bunch. Variety shows were a simple way for TV networks to recycle familiar faces.

Just About Everything We Know About the Pard. For hundreds of years, the leopard was thought to be a cross between a lion and a pard.

Lt. Cliff Judkins Fell 15,000 Feet and Lived. His fighter jet caught fire, his ejection seat didn't work, and his parachute didn't open. (via Metafilter)

The Great Thaw of the American North is Coming. The loss of permafrost will have profound effects.

The Creepiest Urban Legend in Every State. How does your state's tale stack up against the others?

What Facebook Did to American Democracy. And why it was so hard to see it coming.

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