Thursday, September 17, 2015

Miss Cellania's Links

Ig® & Beyond: Molluscs on Prozac, Swinging at a Cocktail Party. Further research from Ig Nobel-prizewinning scientists.

What Happens When Someone Leaves Millions to a Pet?

17 Painless Facts About M*A*S*H

Why Late-Night Television Is Better than Ever. One look at the picture shows what treasures await us.

A couple made engagement photos by recreating the scene from 101 Dalmations where Roger and Anita met each other. The entire sequence is just adorable.

17 Buttons Facebook Really Needs to Add After “Dislike.” Because pushing a button is much easier than typing a few words.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Calls Donald Trump. The new host of The Apprentice wants to know how it’s done.

10 Offbeat Travel Destinations that Feature Brilliant & Bizarre Hoaxes. It doesn’t have to be real to be interesting.

The science behind Teh Tarik, or Pulled Tea. It makes a good show, and also makes the milk frothy and delicious. 

Messing with Mother Nature: The Macquarie Island Ecosystem. Introducing a non-native species to control another invasive species works as well as the old lady who swallowed a fly.   

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