Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Miss Cellania's Links

This Study Is Intentionally Left Blank. Once you label a page as blank, it is no longer blank. Zen ensues.

10 Abandoned Car & Vehicle Graveyards of the World.

How a Victorian Astronomer Fought the Gender Pay Gap, and Won.  

Star Trek Economics: Life After the Dismal Science.

10 Iconic Movie Prop Cars and Motorcycles of Film & Television.

Snails As Big As Shoes Are Kind Of A Problem In Florida. Giant African land snails will eat anything, including your house!

 Loryn Brantz imagined what Disney Princesses would look like in their older years. Spoiler alert: still pretty.

Kevin Bacon Advocates for More Male Nudity in Hollywood. It’s a gender equality issue, but the PSA might be NSFW.

John Travolta and his assorted career comebacks. He’s been hot and then over with quite a few times now.

123 things Donald Trump actually said. That’s a lot of ways for him to tell you great he is.

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