Let me tell you how it all happened. My husband died in August of 2004. I was only 45 and had two small children. As I slowly climbed out of the grief pit, it became clear I was just plain lonely. We were living in his hometown, not mine, and most of our friends were his friends. I was busy with work and parenting, so I turned to a small private parenting group of online friends who had been so supportive. I started an email joke list to let people know I still had my sense of humor. I emailed old friends near and far. One of the guys in my parenting group introduced me to “blogs” by recommending I read Boing Boing. A mom on the group started a blog. What a wonderful idea! However, my current computer wasn’t up to the task, so I bought a new one, my first NEW computer ever. And I started Miss Cellania.
I was a real n00b, but spent a lot of time surfing, writing, and promoting the site. By commenting at other sites, I met a lot of bloggers- even dated a couple of them eventually. Blogging was a lot of fun! Meanwhile, my career as a radio announcer was reaching a dead end after 24 years. I no longer enjoyed it, and it probably showed, but I kept plugging away because I needed the money. In 2006, I was assigned a shift that was incompatible with parenting school-age children, so I quit. Staying in the profession would mean moving out of town, and since I finally got my house paid off, I didn’t want to deal with the hassle. So I avoided the job question and kept blogging.
In July of 2006, the guys at YesButNoButYes asked me to to join them as a writer. Then Alex at Neatorama linked to one of my posts, and later asked me to do a co-blogging feature, and then asked me to post on his site. In early 2007, mental_floss contacted me about writing for them. They were even willing to pay me, which was mind-blowing. As blogs became more popular and attracted advertisers, Neatorama and YesButNoButYes started paying writers as well. I began to think that maybe I didn’t need to find another job. Blogging for a living has its advantages and disadvantages.
In April of 2010, Alex made me managing editor of Neatorama. Shortly afterward, YesButNoButYes ended. I wrote for a couple of other blogs along the way, but have settled down with Neatorama and mental_floss because that’s the most I can handle.
Since I started this blog, I bought a house, got married and gained five more kids and now three grandchildren, went through menopause, and watched my children grow up (Princess is leaving home in a couple of weeks). I migrated this blog to a different host for several years and then back to Blogger, and there’s a ton of archives I still haven’t reposted. Blogging itself has changed as well. Social media is now king, even though blogs have more content. The attention span of those surfing the ‘net has decreased, and innovation has given way to improving on familiar tropes.
Here’s a timeline I created a few years ago about my internet career. I really should update that more often.

Thanks a million to everyone who comes to visit, who ever came over the past ten years. I couldn’t have done it without you!
Update: Thank you so much to everyone who left a comment! It's wonderful to know that there are people who still check in here every day. Thanks to John Farrier for posting a link at Neatorama. And to Marilyn for posting it at Nag on the Lake. Thanks to madamjujujive at Everlasting Blort for this neat gif.
I read you every day, Miss Cellania. My nephew turned me on to your site and I've been hooked ever since! I've been reading you since 2006, I think. Thanks for all the effort you put into it.
Congratulations on ten years and thank you for your back story! What an inspirational person you are! Funny, my two top bookmarked blogs are misscellania and neatorama and it took me a couple of months years ago to realize you did both. And I have had a subscription to Mental Floss forever for my office reception! Keep up the great work and thank you for enriching my life!
Miss Cellania is one of the websites I check every day. Lots of interesting and fun stories! Congratulations, and thank you for all your hard work!
Happy blogiversary, Miss Cellania! You're a great co-worker and boss. I've enjoyed working with you these past several years.
Congratulations, Miss C! I'm another regular reader and truly enjoy the variety of posts, humor and human interest. Thank you.
Congratulations, Miss C! You're a treasure in this world wide web of ours :)
Happy 10th Miss C !
"I’m pretty sure I will keep this site even if no one visits,..."
That ain't gonna happen as long as I'm still kickin'.
Miss C never disappoints, smiles, and links, with an occasional guffaw. Happy 10th.
I'm an old Aussie lady, been reading your blog for 6 years. I love the 'links'..Amazing what I've learned about. Without the links I never would dream of looking stuff up in books...Keep up the good work and congratulations.
Mazel tov! As I have mentioned to you before, I read this blog daily and I find something worthwhile every day. Your eclectic interests and your personal values come through clearly and I have enjoyed learning about you through your posts and links. Blogging may be dying, but you work here and on mental floss and neatorama is always fun and often educational. Keep it up!
Well ... I'm a brand new reader of your blog; this is my first visit here, and I come via Marilyn at Nag on the Lake, who regularly entertains me with her eclectic collection of interesting tidbits.
Thanks for the rundown of your history; that's good stuff; you must be one of few who has been able to make a living from blogging, though many dream of it, or of it leading to an income.
Anyway, I'm about to add your url to my blogroll so I will be reminded to return here, to your personal blog, which is the type I prefer above all blogs of all sorts.
Congratulations on 10 years of dedication to yours, and here's (tipping up my coffee) to 10 more!
I look for your posts daily. Congratulations and keep them coming!
Congrats for ten years. I send your links on to others all the time. People ask me where I get the cool stuff, and I say MissCellania! (and send the link). I appreciate the wit with which you approach this blog. Thanks for your work!
Thanks, everyone, for those sweet comments!
Happy Anniversary!! You make me laugh, smile and you brighten my day EVERY day. Congratulations on 10 years.
Happy 10th anniversary, Miss Cellania! You are the real deal. Congrats on this major achievement. :D
Happy Day After Blogiversary! I'm pretty sure I have been visiting your blog every day for very close to 10 years. I always find something interesting, something amusing, and very often, something really thought-provoking. I am in awe of how hard you work across so many platforms, yet always stay fresh. As xoxoxoBruce said, no worries, as I will keep visiting daily as long as I'm around.
Thanks, and congratulations!
I too am here seven times a week. I like you so much that I have turned off Ad-Block and Ghostery to help out. However I must admit that I really don't care for the Tenniel style drawings from "Married to the Sea".
I think blog years are akin to dog years. For a blog to hang around that long is really rare. I agree that the blogosphere is changing, but like you I still enjoy blogging and can't imagine not doing it. congratulations on your decade of success! Here's to the next decade!
Happy, happy! I'm another "every day" reader...in fact, you post so frequently that I'd have to say I'm a "several times a day" reader! I've send a lot of links on to friends and family. You and Cynical C - you save my sanity at work!
Happy blogiversary! And thanks for telling us some of your history. I read your site through Feedly, so I don't know if that shows up in the visit count. But I see all your posts!
Best wishes for a happy day and continued joy in your work. It's been a pleasure to read your stuff and always charming to correspond with you. You are definitely a lemonade maker in a world full of sour fruit! Hugs from Hipshot!
Congratulations to YOU, Miss C! you're the best.
I must have found you right after you started. I'd swear that I have been stalking your work for at least a decade. Thank you for everything.
Neatorama sent me! You have a great story. Congratulations on your success. :D
Congratulations on your Decade of Blogging. You are now Fully Decadent on the Internet.
Congratulations on your Decade of Blogging. You are now Fully Decadent on the Internet.
Yeah, Craig, I now have ten-ure!
This is the 2nd blog I check after Bits and Pieces. I have stolen so much from you and reposted it! Keep it coming!
Happy Anniversary! Thanks for your hard work all these years. I don't know how long ago I've been visiting your site but I remember your girls being little, the move, the addition and so on.
You've always posted great stuff. Your dedication is evident and we, short-attention-span-seeking readers have not appreciated you enough. After 10 years you deserve our thanks.
Menopause sucks.
Thank you so much, everyone!
Happy 10th anniversary, Miss Cellania. I had to look it up in my archives, but I've been following this blog since April 2006.
I visit Miss Cellania every day and I have found many articles that I re-post on my own blog. I did that in 2006 and I'm still doing that today. And I hope I can do it for many more years to come.
Happy bithday blog!
Time flies when it is funny..
Greetings Berhard
Dear Miss Cellania,
it's always a pleasure reading you, without your sense of humor and your Misscellania links are THE reason I turn the Internet of every single day. For real! Thanks again, the internet woudn't be the same without Miss Cellania!
Congrats Miss C. Love the back story. I read your blog daily. Love the stories and links. Hope you get to celebrate 25 years!
been with you always and always will be.thomasina
Congratulations on ten years. I have been a daily follower almost from the start. I am a native New Orleanian and your blog was exactly what I needed to burst the bubble of the post-Katrina blues. Your sense of humor and humanity reminded me that there was a beautiful and funny world out there even though our piece of it was out of kilter. I have enjoyed seeing your life peeking through at times and sharing the joys of a fellow traveler experiencing a renewed life. Thank you Miss Cellania for entertaining us for ten years.
Congratulations! You are a real inspiration and always a delight to read. Thank you for being here!
Giving you clicks since 2008. Congratulations, and remember that the first ten years are the hardest.
Hi Miss Cellania,
I have been following you since the very beginning. I think it was a video on humpback whales. Anyway, I was browsing the net looking for a site like yours and havent stopped checking Neatorama since. When I get sick of reading GoogleNews, BoingBoing or Reddit, I always take a nice, relaxing dip in Neatorama. Thanks for aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the good times.
Congratulations from Stockholm, Sweden. I've enjoyed your site since I discovered it a couple (5 maybe) years ago. Please keep up this excellent work. Thank you very much for all the laughs and a-ha moments!
Congratulations on 10 years! I am so thrilled for you. I've enjoyed your site for years; it has of course been interesting and funny, but it has also been a pleasure getting to know a bit about you and your family. Best wishes! - La Lorider
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