Sunday, August 09, 2015

Happy Anniversary Neatorama!

Today is Neatorama's tenth anniversary! Alex started his blog on August 9, 2005, just a couple of weeks before I started this one. His was much more successful, and in early 2006 he asked me to write on his site. I said, "I don't know, I'm kinda busy..." and he said "Great! I've got your account ready." And I've been working for Neatorama since then. About a year later, he started paying me, and in 2010, made me managing editor. 

So you can blame him -and mental floss- for the fact that I don't spend as much time on my blog as I used to. My family and I depend on the continued success of Neatorama and the NeatoShop. I posted a list today of the top 20 Neatorama posts of the past ten years. Unfortunately, I did not write any of them. I hope you will enjoy it.

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