Sunday, July 01, 2012

Toastie Knife

Okay, all together now ...slap ourselves in the face and say, "Why did I think of that?" The world has been waiting for a heated knife to spread butter or margarine straight from the refrigerator!  (via Buzzfeed)


Ron Larson said...

Is that a joke? People aren't going to wait 30 seconds or more to butter the toast.

Carol said...

What was it advertising? I was distracted by Mr. HunkaMunka....

WordyGrrl said...

I would wait 30 second if it meant I could put real butter on my toast instead of that chemical abomination that is "spreadable margarine." Which I keep in the fridge only because it's spreadable.

Unknown said...

Its really funny Toastie and Knife, We never imagine this kind of things, and really enjoyed your video.
