Friday, July 06, 2012

Miss Cellania's Links

The Only Actor Who was in a Beatles Movie and an Elvis Movie.

A foreseeable equipment failure caused the crash of Air France transatlantic flight 447 in 2009. So why does the recently-released final report blame the deceased pilots for their failure to save the plane?

If you've ever wanted to make your very own tornado of fire, we have a video that shows how its done. Just allow yourself lots of room and many extension cords.

Ernest Hemingway wasn't at all sure how to end his novel A Farewell to Arms. In fact, he wrote 47 alternate endings that will all be included in the new edition of the novel.

Going to an air-conditioned theater to watch a new film sounds like a cool idea for the weekend. I hear that Magic Mike is even better than expected, and The Amazing Spider-Man is not.

Scientists have discovered a tiny fly that lays it's eggs in tiny ants' bodies. The larva then eat their way through the ants' BRAAAAINS, like zombies.

But there are other parasites that actually take over their prey's brains and bodies, turning them into zombies that serve the parasite's needs. So many that they are explained in a two-part article.

Did you see the fireworks in San Diego Wednesday night? If you blinked, you probably missed them.

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