Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Who Danced It Better?

Australian dancer Smac McCreanor is the viral dancer who interprets the moves of animals and inanimate objects alike. That's the very essence of "interpretive dance." This time she's emulating an actual dancer! Darwin the parrot is a superstar on TikTok for his smooth dance moves. Could a human do as well? I believe she does, but you'll have to watch twice to see, because I couldn't take my eyes off Darwin the first time I watched this video. Smac has been following Darwin's videos for some time, working out all the moves for the TikTok audience. This video is a compilation of those efforts so far, but there will most likely be more in the future.


Anonymous said...

I thought Darwin was her own parrot?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Darwin gets extra points for also being the choreographer!