Friday, September 27, 2024

CAPTCHA Photographer

Every once in a while, you have to pass a CAPTCHA test to use something on the internet. This is supposed to prove you're a human user, and not a robot or an algorithm trying to introduce spam, malware, or misinformation. Sure, we understand why these are sadly necessary, but they can be enraging. You may be instructed to check all boxes that contain a traffic light, for example, but they don't tell us whether the pole holding it is included. Or the indicated object is too far away to see. Or you may miss a tiny corner. Bingo- you've been labeled as a robot and cannot access what you came for. Requesting a different image may or may not improve your chances, but you get the feeling that just the request causes a bias against you. Who comes up with these things?

It takes an entire team, but the photographer is Landra Fontaine, who loves her job because she's a sadist. And a troll. You might even call her the scum of the earth. The next time you are confounded by a CAPTCHA, you will know who to blame. (via Laughing Squid)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's exasperating when the pictures are too small or dark (on a 24" screen) to see detail. But every time I fail because I missed something, or disagree with what they consider part of the traffic light, they throw up another test.
I've never been told to go away... by CAPTCHA anyway.