Monday, September 30, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

The Finalists for the 2024 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. (via Real Clear Science)

18th century autumn pies. You may find them a bit strange. (via Strange Company)

Study: Cats in little crocheted hats shed light on feline chronic pain.

Astronomers prepare for once-in-a-lifetime event: A 'new star' in the night sky. It's a nova that happens every 80 years. (via Damn Interesting

How the Swastika, an Ancient Symbol of Good Fortune Used Around the World, Became the Nazi Logo. 

How Chain Restaurants Use Smells to Entice Us. When it comes to marketing food, scent can be as important as flavor.

How to Bathe a Cat. An alternate method. (Thanks, Bicycle Bill!)

Jurassic World Rebirth Gets Exciting Filming Update (Including Tease Of Sequel Trilogy Detail Return).

How a catchy tune became the soundtrack to TikTok's silliest videos. The song is called "Monkeys Spinning Monkeys." (via Nag on the Lake)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good articles. And what a comfy looking set of dentures!

Spellucci said...

Thanks for How to Bathe a Cat, Bicycle Bill!