Sunday, September 01, 2024

Archie's Story

"Wobbly Cat" is an everyday term for a cat with cerebellar hypoplasia. That's a birth defect in the brain that affects a cat's balance and coordination. The condition is not painful and doesn't affect a cat's overall health or longevity, although a wobbly feral or outside cat will be susceptible to falls and have trouble defending itself against attacks. So wobbly cats need a loving and understanding family who will keep them safe and accommodate their awkwardness.

Archie was lucky to be taken in as a kitten despite his lack of coordination. He turned out to be such a sweet cat that his foster family couldn't let him go. The family took in another disabled kitten as a companion, and the two cats are affectionate and inseparable. Follow Archie's life at Instagram. (via Laughing Squid)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you sure he's not drunk?