Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Zach Anner, Again Doing the Impossible

Remember Zach Anner? It's been a couple of years since he posted anything at YouTube, but he came out of his YouTube "retirement" to tells us an important story. Zach has spent his life doing things he was told were impossible for him (and even wrote a book about it). But in this instance, even he didn't realize that he was the victim of assumptions. Sometimes, it's not a matter of ability at all; it's a matter of proper education.


MarkOfIowa said...

Very cool!

Anonymous said...

Yes, and sometimes you have to talk to someone like they're an idiot for it to sink in. He knew the basics of how a zipper works and assumed he was doing it right. But that assumption kept him from grasping a key point. Fortunately for him he didn't get huffy and assume the friend was being condescending.

Anonymous said...

Funny guy!