Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Miss Cellania's Links

Is Tetris Really 40 This Year? The story doesn't really clarify anything, but highlights the confusion of the early days of video games and the concept of intellectual property behind the Iron Curtain. (via Boing Boing)

About the Shōgun Era.

Reggie Jackson’s Brutal Honesty About Playing Baseball in Alabama in the '60s.

How to Draw an Elephant with Scissors.

All the Environmental Disaster Movie Warnings of the ’70s We Should Have Listened To.

A classic song sung by Hoagy Carmichael from 1947. The best comment: "I've found my wedding song!"

Dave Grohl Trolls Taylor Swift at London Show: ‘We Actually Play Live.’ Unleash the Swiftie fury! (via Fark)

The Anxious History of the American Summer Camp. The annual rite of passage has always been more about the ambivalence of adults than the amusement of children.

8 Classic Movie Props That Were Tossed in the Trash.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Drawing an elephant with scissors is pretty neat.

rikkochet said...

I have never seen an elephant with scissors. How do they hold them?

Anonymous said...

Reggie Jackson... “I was too physically violent. I was ready to physically fight some...”
Yeah, he was physically imposing and hot tempered, likely some KKK racist would have shot him in the back if he was alone.

My scissors aren’t symmetrical so my elephant would fall over ‘cause it’s not a weeble.

The money some folks pay for movie props is proof some people have too much of it.
I admit I have a small replica of the leg lamp for grins&giggles but it was cheap.

chich said...

Silent Running. Have not seen that movie in years. Have to dig it out.