Saturday, June 15, 2024


(via Fark)


chich said...

We live in a rural area. City types should be encouraged to stay where they are or at least be a required to take a course should they want to visit and especially move out here. Topics covered could be things like:

-Yes there are bears, cougars, coyotes etc. 'off leash'
-Farm and wild animals will have sex in full view of you and yours
-It snowed. The plows won't be out here for a while
-It is not quiet out here
-Understanding why people will not sign your petition to ban ________
-Smoke, get used to it
-Darkness and the strange things in the sky

KevinG said...

I've been to Yellowstone. Yeah, Old Faithful was pretty cool, but they were 15 minutes late in turning it on. Washing up for dinner in a nearby spring, I got burned! The ground was too hard to sleep on, & perhaps worst of all, I couldn't get a wi-fi signal.
0 stars!/s