Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Welcome to Edgewood

Welcome to Edgewood, BC
byu/robinnuber infunny

Redditor robinnuber make a promotional video for  Edgewood, British Columbia. Despite the dry humor, it ends up being a place everyone wants to visit, or even live there. When you have a ribbon factory and more ostriches than people, you've got something to talk about. Edgewood has only a few hundred residents, but it has an extensive Wikipedia entry detailing the history of the town, with no mention of the population. That means that some Wikipedia member is pretty proud of their town.

A noticeable detail is the can-and-string microphone. It makes this video look comically pre-industrial, but it's a genius idea. The phone slipped inside the can records the narrative while being protected from wind noise. (via reddit)


Anonymous said...

This is giving off major Napoleon Dynamite vibes.

Anonymous said...

Not me, I grew up in a town of less than 2,000 people and want no part of it.

chich said...

Been to Edgewood. it is everything the vid says and more :)