Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Singers Falling Down Stairs

Someone call a carpenter, because there is obviously something wrong with the stairs leading off the stage! When someone falls down the stairs in real life, there is banging and screaming, often resulting in injuries, and there's nothing funny about it. When singers with distinctive and iconic voices fall down the stairs, everyone knows who they are. Master mixer Dustin Ballard, better known as There I Ruined It, shows us what that might sound like. He assures us that no singers were hurt in the making of this nonsense. Each fall is mercifully short, but still paints a picture in our minds. You almost feel sorry for the singer, fictional as this scenario is.


Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Ballard, he's broken all the music so many of us love down into tiny soundbites like legos to build these videos from, I doubt he can enjoy the music anymore.

WilliamRocket said...

He will still have coffee, Non ee mouse.

WilliamRocket said...

Rhetorical question.

Who the heck is Cup Cakke ?

I mean, I know the others, they're international stars.

They might as well have included Alizee.