Sunday, May 05, 2024

Banned Books That Became Movies

Neatoramanauts are a particularly well-read bunch, so it stands to reason that you've read a lot of banned books. That means books that were banned or challenged by someone, somewhere, at some time, for some reason. The reasons for challenging a book vary widely, and whether you agree that the books should be restricted or not, some justifications are rather weird. Heaven forbid that adolescents should be exposed to the concept of menstruation. My parents never objected to any book I could get my hands on, and it turned out that the only ones that disturbed me were history books.  

Any type of book ban can entice readers and make a book a bestseller. But books that may be unavailable to some readers are catnip to movie producers, because the cinematic version will draw readers and non-readers alike. Weird History goes through the stories of 13 challenged books that ended up as movies. The vast majority of them were critically acclaimed or blockbusters or both.  

1 comment:

WilliamRocket said...

Neatoramanauts ?

Not Neatoramaramas ?