Sunday, August 20, 2023

What Happens If You Destroy A Black Hole?

Mankind doesn't have anything big enough to destroy a black hole, even if we could reach one, so the idea of destroying one is purely theoretical. But theories are fun! In this video, Kurzgesagt takes us through a series of experiments in "what ifs" that show us what might happen, considering what we know today about black holes.

As they go through every scenario, we get the idea that whatever destructive force we send, a black hole will only eat it and grow. Then at about six minutes, the discussion of time and space will convince you that you will never understand physics. But we have all kinds of respect for the people who figured out these things. The video is nine minutes long; the rest is an ad. (via Geeks Are Sexy)

1 comment:

xoxoxoBruce said...

We don't need no quick solutions,
It's not bothering us at all.
Kurzgesagt! Leave that hole alone!