Thursday, August 17, 2023

Up Close with a Tattoo Gun

Have you ever seen a tattoo needle up close and personal? Maybe you have, but the Slow Mo Guys take the process a step further by recording a working tattoo gun installing ink in transparent ballistic gel, so we can see macro slow-motion video of what it's doing underneath the skin's surface.

Gav and Dan say they don't have any tattoos because they're not brave. We have seen their videos, and know quite well what ridiculous stunts they pull and what bravery is necessary to do them. But after recording what a tat gun does on a macro level, they are even less likely to get a tattoo in the future. I'm with them. Like I told my kids, "Life has enough pain without paying for more." Their father had plenty of them. (via reddit)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Interesting! I watched their other video too. Tattooing doesn't hurt THAT much. I've had menstrual cramps that were a gazillion times more painful. And I'm sure it's nothing compared to the pain of childbirth.

xoxoxoBruce said...

The ballistic gel doesn't have the surface tension of skin so it wobbles around more, but the view of beneath the surface they got was great. Debra's right, it doesn't hurt that bad. But a friend who had a couple previously said when she got a bracelet tattooed around her ankle she damn near quit part way through.