Sunday, August 06, 2023

The Size of the Milky Way

Epic Spaceman thinking about the Milky Way, which is a tiny part of the universe, but in human terms, it's all there is. In this visualization, he shrinks the Milky Way to the size of the United States, since that's a size we Americans can understand. While that's pretty mind-blowing in itself, the video is lovely and quite poetic as it explains the relative spaces between very big things. Plus there's a coda at the end to make us feel better about being so small. (via Geeks Are Sexy)

1 comment:

Tim said...

When he "turns off" the Milky Way galaxy, he is left with only the Andromeda Galaxy.

What about all the other galaxies? Shouldn't he be able to the light from the other galaxies?

I also find it funny that he shrinks the Galaxy to fit inside of the USA--but calls it the "centre" of the galaxy instead of the "center" of the galaxy. If he is making this video for Americans, he should spell like an American.