Friday, August 04, 2023

The Biggest Difference Between Britain and America

In his latest video, Laurence Brown takes a look at that old canard, "In America, 100 years is a long time. In Europe, 100 miles is a long way." Yeah, in his version, it's Britain. But it's true. When Princess lived in France, people would make elaborate plans for a 100-mile trip, and of course take the train. Meanwhile, we Yanks will drive that far to have lunch. A European visitor said they liked my house, and I told them it was 115 years old. They were not particularly impressed, as their home was some 400 years old. That was not my Russian neighbors. They were born under Soviet rule and know that everything's a long way off and that a house must be at least 100 years old to be stable. But Brown tells how this saying is true in some ways and not true in other ways, when you are comparing his experiences in Britain and the US. There's a one-minute skippable ad at 6:00.  

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