Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

Inside the private world of Freddie Mercury, with the woman who knew him best. Mary Austin speaks out ahead of the auction of Mercury's possessions. (via reddit)

The Viral Internet Clip That Inspired SNL’s David S. Pumpkins. Any questions?

Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? A nutritionist explains the science behind ‘functional’ foods.

I'm an interior decorator. Here are 10 things I would never have in my bedroom. (via Digg)

The Gallup Goatman, and Other Weird Manimals of the Southwest. (via Strange Company)

Drought Causes 154-Ship Traffic Jam At The Panama Canal.

Ailing and baby hummingbirds nursed to health at woman’s apartment-turned-clinic in Mexico City. (via Fark)    

The Misinformation Susceptibility Test aims to find if you can distinguish real news from fake news. It's really simple; I scored 20/20 and have the screenshot to prove it. (via Metafilter)

In England’s Lake District, a Gingerbread House Defies Fantasy. For the last 169 years, Grasmere Gingerbread has been selling sweets beside the much-visited graveyard that houses William Wordsworth, becoming a tourist attraction in its own right


gwdMaine said...

Stop blaming yourself. Learn Feng Shui and blame the furniture. And if you want to reflect energy in your bedroom, put a mirror on the ceiling over your bed. If you do, until you get used to it watch out for naked skydivers.

Graham Clayton said...

"You're more resilient to misinformation than 71% of the US population!"

The bar has been set pretty low though LOL