Monday, May 01, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

A Halfoween Film Festival! Also find out what Halfoween is.

The Twitter account small worlds began 2023 with a pledge to post a tiny science fiction story in one image every day for an entire year. It might take you a while to read all 117 of them, but they are nested in order under this Tweet. (via Geeks Are Sexy)

Make the Jellied Delicacy Served Aboard the Titanic. For their last meal, first-class passengers dined on 11 courses, including Chartreuse jelly and peaches.

The Silly-Looking Tibetan Fox.

Five Places Where You Can Still Find Gold in the United States. Lucky for you, these gold rush hot spots have not yet run their mining course.

30 Dishes And Cooking Hacks You Probably Never Thought About.

The io9 Guide to Fast & Furious. Get up to speed on the franchise's history, timeline, recommended viewing order, and details you really should know before the tenth movie opens on May 19.

Does Absinthe Actually Make You Hallucinate? No, but its story is well worth a read.

Indoor Skydiving is Dancing on Air. Polish skydiver Maja Kuczyńska proves it.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Fun food hacks!

Anonymous said...

no, but it does make the heart grow fonder.

gwdMaine said...

Domino's Pizza is promoting something new up here: Loaded Tater Tots. How in the world did I never think of that? Make your tots, top with chopped green onions, jalapeños, your favorite cheese, some bacon bits, and stick it back in the oven to melt the cheese. Serve with sour cream or whatever else you might want to dip into. Yum!

xoxoxoBruce said...

I liked the tiny science fiction, some were incredibly clever.

The Jellied Delicacy serves 4 to 6 and starts with 2 1/3 cups of sugar? My teeth hurt.

The Dancing on Air performance took 2nd? Second? Next one after first?
We didn’t see first but I suspect she was robbed.
I understand basic aerodynamics says if you flatten out wind will carry you up and streamlined gravity will bring you down. However some of her moves defied physics. Could she be a witch?