Saturday, January 07, 2023

Whale Watchers Watch Whale Whelp Wee Whale

Customers of Captain Dave’s Dolphin & Whale Watching Safari in California got more than they paid for when they took a cruise off Dana Point, near Los Angeles. They spotted a gray whale on her annual migration from Alaska to the warm waters of Baja California, where they normally give birth. But her baby wasn't going to wait. 

At first, the sighting appeared to be a typical migrating gray whale. As the boat slowly approached the animal, our crew noticed it was behaving sporadically. Passengers and crew saw something orange and red colored in the water that they thought might have been kelp. Instead, a newborn calf came up to the surface!

For a minute, many of us thought it may be a shark or predatory event. But no, instead of the end of life, it was the beginning of a new one!

Boat passengers were quite excited to witness the birth, but the drone cameras weren't deployed in time to get video footage. What you see here is the newborn bonding with its mother as humans squeal with delight. (via Fark)


Anonymous said...

The single awesome-est video you've ever posted!!

WilliamRocket said...

... and an awesome alliteration amusing all aficionados and any atypical audience attendees.