Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Possum Reunites with His Mother

In this story from Australia, you need to remember that a possum is a different animal from the North American opossum, even though they are both marsupials and the names are often pronounced the same. This young brushtail possum was separated from his mother for longer than he wanted, and happened to be in Delilah's yard. Delilah is a certified wildlife rehabilitator and knew just what to do when she heard the youngster crying. She was able to reunite the possum with his mom, and that scene is quite heartwarming. But the possum, later named Bennett, came back with his mother to visit so that Delilah could watch him grow up. Oh yeah, also for food. See more of Delilah's possums, bats, and other rescue animals at TikTok.

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