Friday, January 13, 2023

Miss Cellania's Links

15 Movies That Spent a Fortune Just to Bomb Miserably.

The Relative Costs of Running Household Appliances. (via Digg)

How a New York Tabloid Captured the First Photo of an Execution by the Electric Chair.

Products for Your Sad Beige Life.

Exclusive: Read the Official, Very Real Plot of Avatar 3. It's a fantasy, but it's fun.

The Legacy of a Horribly Flipped House.

The First Family of Human Cannonballing. That's what happens when circus people have a lot of kids. (via Damn Interesting)  

Sitting all day can be deadly. 5-minute walks can offset harms. Getting your boss to go along with it might be difficult. (via Fark

The Worst Seat In Baseball: All 30 MLB Ballparks Ranked. (via Digg)


Kolo Jezdec said...

"How 4-Second Workouts Can Counteract Sitting All Day",triglyceride%20levels%20in%20the%20bloodstream.

I never did a lot of sitting when I was a teacher, but the last 5 years or so before I retired I used a stand-up desk. Now I use one at home and sometimes even use it to eat breakfast and lunch.

Anonymous said...

Every half an hour I get up and walk up and down for five minutes, just as recommended in the article. Then I sit back down and fly the plane for another 25 minutes.

gwdMaine said...

How much does it cost to run an electric stove? Would it be cheaper to forgo that and only use a microwave instead? Asking for a friend. As for me, I'm cooking with gas! Oh. Wait. . .

Happy Friday Miss C!

Miss Cellania said...

Happy Friday, gwdMaine!

Any appliance that generates heat takes way more electricity than an appliance that doesn't. Microwaves take very little electricity; always less than a stove or oven. But it doesn't always cook well.

I went two years without an oven once (stove was fine), but I had a toaster oven, and when I needed to bake a cake or a turkey, I pulled out the electric roasting pan. Then Gothgrrl bought me a new gas oven.

Anonymous said...

Yes flipped houses are often poorly renovated. However, you have a chance to inspect a home before you buy. Also, if an ugly lamp and the shape of your vanity are a major catastrophe, home ownership may not be for you.