Wednesday, January 11, 2023

I Just Bought My First American House

Laurence Brown of Lost in the Pond is going through some changes. He recently became an American citizen. He said goodbye to his father. And now he's bought a house! It's a nice place, as you'll see in this video tour.


Anonymous said...

Get that man some trucknutz and a BigGulp, pronto!

DWVR said...

You don't have mudrooms and you don't have... stairs? Mostly this fellow is "astonished" at the incredible waste of space in suburban sprawl houses ("homes.") Yet he is embracing the suburban waste of space, embracing it so much that he purchases it to occupy. Eh, don't mind me. I find English mannerisms annoying rather than charming.

Miss Cellania said...

Just because he's not accustomed to such things doesn't mean he doesn't like them. He's becoming American, after all.

WilliamRocket said...

He sounds like Riff Raff from The Rocky Horror Picture Show