Sunday, December 04, 2022

The Bequest


An old man who had three sons. Got them all together for a family meeting.  He told them he had a proposition for all three. He would give each of them one million dollars, to do as they wish. But there was a catch: when the father died, they each had to put one million dollars in his coffin. All three sons agreed to do so.

The day came up that the father died, so they all met at the funeral.

The oldest had used the money to study to become a doctor, so he put his million dollars in a briefcase.

The second had used his to open a construction company, so he put his million dollars in a bag.

Now was the youngest son's turn, but he had wasted his on gambling and women.

The youngest son wrote a check for the amount of three million dollars, picked up the briefcase and bag, went to the coffin and laid the check inside, and said, "You can cash it when you get up there."


(Image credit: Ann Larie Valentine)

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