Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Miss Cellania's Links

How our eyes can change color throughout our lives. (via Damn Interesting)  

Moose Found Awkwardly Stuck on Fence.

Mefites share the useless perks that are supposed to provide incentives at their offices.

A Treasure of the Art World in the Real Estate Listings.

The magnificent Fenland Black Oak Table is made from 44-foot-long planks from a 5,000-year-old tree.  (via Strange Company)

16 Kid-Friendly Spooky Films.

See 50 ranked examples of karma that caught up with perpetrators in one way or another. Some of these stories are downright horrifying.  

The USS Stein Monster: In 1978, A Massive Creature Attacked A Navy Frigate, Shredding Parts Of Its Hull. (via Nag on the Lake)

Just how smart are raccoons? They’re probably masterminds, a new study finds. (via Strange Company)


Anonymous said...

What is going on with that statue behind the big oak table?

Miss Cellania said...

I don't know which of the pictures you are referring to from the article. Are you asking about the fellow hanging from the wall or the man and woman with some green tarnish?

Anonymous said...

The table is super cool, and it was interesting to learn more about the Fens and bog oak, but I'm a little perturbed that they have a statue of a woman giving a guy a standy there in the cathedral.

newton said...

Eye colors are often much more complex than the simple 'blue' 'brown' descriptors we give them. 'Hazel' is often the word we use when it is just too complex (and interesting) to describe with a single word.

My eyes appear to be an entirely different color depending on the lighting and which direction you are looking at them. I just tell people they are green because I like that color better, but they get confused if they happen to look blue that day.

xoxoxoBruce said...

Annon, at https://wheatandtares.org/2016/08/18/ely-a-cathedral-for-women/
they explain the statue... "In the south transept of the cathedral is a modern sculpture, also by David Wynne, of the events described in John 20:11-17, depicting the encounter of Mary Magdalene with Jesus following His resurrection."

Anonymous said...

Wow! The bible gets much more freaky that I ever guessed!

xoxoxoBruce said...

If you convince your employer your job can be done remotely from your home, how long before he realizes it can also be done from Korea, India, China, etc.
Be careful what you wish for.
They already exported millions of blue collar jobs to make themselves richer, don't help them export office jobs too.