Friday, October 14, 2022

He Became a Squeaky Toy

Thirteen-year-old Johnathan Serrano had to visit the local emergency room after he accidentally swallowed the mechanism from his dog's squeaky toy. The Texas teen was annoying his mother instead of getting ready for a camping trip. When she threatened to swat him, he playfully put the squeaker in his mouth. Now, if you are familiar with how much adolescent boys eat, you will not be surprised that he reflexively swallowed it. The object became lodged in his esophagus. Serrano was taken to the ER, where he amused staff by squeaking when he moved. The squeaking caused him to laugh, which just made him squeak more! The squeaker was retrieved by endoscopic surgery. Serrano missed his camping trip, but he now has a viral video that will follow him for the rest of his life. (via Boing Boing)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even as a teenage boy, I would not have been dumb enough to put something from a dog toy in my mouth--then swallow it.

But yes, I have my own dumb things I did. Fortunately, no pictures or videos exist.