Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Story of Natalie Portman's Return to Thor

Thor: Love and Thunder is the fourth movie centered around the Norse god Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, although the superhero character also appeared in other MCU films. Natalie Portman portrayed Thor's love interest Jane Foster in the first two Thor films, and then completely disappeared from Thor: Ragnarok. But Jane Foster/Natalie Portman is back in the latest Thor film, having become a superhero herself. What happened? (via Digg)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Natalie Portman is a great actress but I always thought she was miscast in Thor. Hopefully that may be resolved in "Love and Thunder" but I hear she doesn't actually get all that much screen time in it.

newton said...

"I hear she doesn't actually get all that much screen time in it."

Where did you hear that? I did hear the movie was originally 4 hours and got cut down to 2 hours, so everyone's screen time got cut by a total of 2 hours. Maybe that's the source of this rumor, which doesn't seem accurate.