Friday, July 08, 2022

The Meow Stopper

Half-Asleep Chris has two cats, Ralph and Bella. Ralph, like many cats, wants to eat very early in the morning, and wakes Chris up at 6AM to feed him. Chris does not like that, so he built a contraption that enables him to feed Ralph from his bed. Oh, no, nothing as simple as a container of cat food and a bowl to serve it in. Nor is it a computerized automatic feeder. This is a marble run, scaled up to accommodate kitty puzzle balls filled with kibble, and then scaled up again to ridiculous proportions with obstacles and decorations and long tubes that have the cats running all about the house to get their breakfast. He calls it the Meow Stopper, which is a tortured acronym he explains in the video. (via Laughing Squid)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hilarious! And inventive.

xoxoxoBruce said...

DUH, close the bedroom door.