Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Tweet of the Day

(via Everlasting Blort)


xoxoxoBruce said...

Always watching, never let their guard down.

DWVR said...

I've always wondered why a bird with a prominent red head is called "red-bellied." Like, who comes up with these names? But thanks to this video we can see bits of red are indeed on his belly. Nowhere near as much red as on the head, but yeah okay technically they are red-bellied, or reddish bellied. Another mystery solved, sort of.

Anonymous said...

DWVR: I can hear the conversation ...
Namer 1: What shall we call this one?
Namer 2: How about Red-headed Woodpecker?
Namer 1: But we've already got a Red-headed Woodpecker over here with this glorious red head.
Namer 2: Okay, okay, how about Red-bellied Woodpecker?
Namer 1: ?
Namer 2: Look, look, move the light over here, tilt your head this way ...
Namer 1: ?
Namer 2: Squint!
Namer 1: Okay, okay, Red-bellied it is then.