Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Miss Cellania's Links

Behold, the World's Most Expensive Car.

The 15 Best Small Towns to Visit in 2022.

Climate Change is Making Meerkats Sick. (via Digg)

A More Thorough Description of "Hot" Foods. They found that capsaicin experience can be measured in five different dimensions. (via Metafilter)

New York City's Oldest Home is on the Market. It's a combination of history, quality, space, and location that makes the price $8.9 million.

From Nasal Decongestant to Appetite Suppressant to Just Plain Gone. Read about the rise and fall of PPA.  (via Digg)

The Men Who Escaped from Auschwitz. (via Damn Interesting)

Motherhood. At least she doesn't have to fake a smile for the cameras, like Kate Middleton.

When strangers step in to protect women. More people need to be like this.

Comic of the Day: Raiders of the Temple Where Everything is Labelled with Some Sort of Allegorical Meaning.


gwdMaine said...


xoxoxoBruce said...

Hot foods burn coming and going, I don't understand the attraction. Guys at work would concoct hot pepper relish and bring it to work with soft rolls. At coffee break the group would see if this stuff topped the previous entries. Middle-aged men standing around with tears streaming down their faces proclaiming how good this is. I thought it was stupid.
One guy said the night before he was chopping peppers and making relish, then washed up and went to bed. He was feeling frisky when his wife asked if he'd washed his hands well because she felt "warmth". He freaked and started to get up to scrub his hands when she said wait a minute, lets see where it goes.

Miss Cellania said...

When I first started gardening, I gave a bunch of jalapeno peppers to a friend of my husband's. The friend chopped some up, and went to the toilet. He washed his hands after peeing (standing up), but it was too late then. He suffered for days, and the rest of us learned a lesson.

Anonymous said...

NYC real estate is always pretty amusing. They say, "Oh, the median home in the neighborhood is $1.2mm" and don't mention that for the money you get a 600 square foot studio, $1000/month condo fee, and $1000/month taxes. I understand that everyone makes a lot more dosh there, but that's just eye watering.

gwdMaine said...

Regarding the 'going' of coming and going, try putting your toilet paper in the freezer first.