Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Mama Bear Disciplines Cub

Sumer Walser Williams tells the story of some late-night visitors to her front deck- which is 12 feet above ground! A bear cub climbed up and tried out the wading pool, but only managed to wreck it. When he heard a dog barking, he was  curious and looked in. Maybe he wanted a new friend to come out and play! Williams said,
Mom's reaction in my head played out as "Let's go, I have told you a hundred times not to bother people while we're raiding their house for goodies. We have to be silent. I've told you this. Why can't you seem to listen? I had to climb 12 feet up a pole to rescue your little butt. Get off their deck now."
The video ends with mama bear trying to figure out the best way to get her child back down to ground level. A good time was had by all. (via Bored Panda)

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