Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Beware of Bison

You might laugh, then feel bad about laughing, then you should know that this picture was staged by the folks at Bitterroot Bison Company in Missoula, Montana. The image has spawned some memes. However, it was based on a real story about a bison goring in South Dakota. The lesson here is: don't try to take a selfie with wild animals. (via reddit)


Mr XD said...

By most accounts it wasn't an actual goring, but more of a "flipping off" ~~~

WilliamRocket said...

I don't know, labelling a bottle of bleach as undrinkable and attaching a warning that a toaster should not be immersed in water takes all the selection out of evolution.
Let them stupid people play with wild animals if they want, most often, in a fair match, the animals will come out unscathed.

Anonymous said...


Bicycle Bill said...

Trouble is, WilliamRocket, that we evolved enough to develop lawyers.  Unfortunately, at the same time we also evolved enough so that we lost the ability to think for ourselves.  Don't believe me? Ask some high-school kid, "If you have an eight-foot two-by-four, how many inches long is it?" and see if he doesn't immediately grab for his smartphone and Google it.

So if you make a toaster and DON'T put a sticker on it saying "don't dunk this in the bathtub" you are going to get your ass sued off because there is nothing as uncommon these days as common sense, and it's YOUR fault that you didn't tell them what common sense should have.
