Friday, September 07, 2018

The American Revolution, Simplified

My elementary education meant a lot of time spent on the American Revolution. However, it was mostly about the Founding Fathers, and rather little about the individual battles and strategy. That was either to avoid boring young children, or else they did teach those battles and I was so bored I zoned out. But not there's OverSimplified, a YouTube channel that goes over the whole war in two parts, totaling about a half hour. Yes, it's oversimplified, as the channel suggests, but it's engrossing (and quite funny), and more than you knew already, unless you are a history nerd. Or even if you are a history nerd, since most of the history nerds I know focus more on the Civil War. 

Particularly funny is the treatment of Benjamin Franklin and Benedict Arnold, as you could probably guess. Som e of the language may be NSFW. (via Boing Boing)

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