Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Americans Have No Idea How Much Fuel Idling Uses

People look at me like I'm nuts because I turn off my engine while waiting in line at a drive-through. I've been told that if you are going to be still more than 20 seconds, you're better off turning your car off. Yes, we have to wait longer than that at stoplights, but in many places, it is illegal to turn off your engine at an intersection. So I'm saving fuel waiting for Taco Bell to fill the orders in front of me, probably incorrectly, while the SUVs around me are roaring the whole time. This guy explains how the formula is determined, which involves a lot of math. Turns out that 20 seconds was a generous guess. (via Digg)


Canonicus Veneficus said...

This is one reason that Asians don’t stop at intersections. They just kind of weave through the traffic. An intersection without cars is a waste of space.

Anonymous said...

Prius. The engine stops when idling. Problem solved.

Chris said...

I don't use the drive thru. I go inside and don't waste gas and it's usually faster.

gwdMaine said...

Jeep. The engine stops when idling. Problem solved.