Friday, February 02, 2018

Tweet of the Day


Barbwire said...

I did not know this. I know about the America First movement later on, but had no idea it came from the Klan. Thank you.

Miss Cellania said...

There are photographs.

BlackCrypt said...

His grammar is a bit off.

Nicolas Gold said...

It doesn't come from the KKK. It was a slogan popularized from Woodrow Wilson's 1916 presidential campaign. The idea behind the slogan was about staying out of WWI, that America should focus on itself and not European conflict. The same slogan was used by other anti-war activists from 1938-1940. That the KKK used it briefly in the 1920s was just them attempting to associate themselves with a popular sentiment after WWI's devastation. What's Trump use of the term? Easy ... America first in trade and foreign policy. I disagree with him on it, but there is obviously no racial component to his use of the term.